Food: Thursday

It’s a really powerful practice to recognize the gift of sustenance in a world where so many people are starving – starving for food, but also starving for love, starving to belong, starving for shelter, starving for justice. We can use the gift of our hunger – and the provision to sate our hunger – as a reminder to take food as a gift, not just a given. Let food have a symbolic, iconic quality of the hungers that surround us in this world.

– Br. Curtis Almquist, SSJE

Way of Love: Daily Practice

Share your blessings. Buy a meal for a hungry person or make a donation to a food bank.

Share your experience in the comments below


  1. Ginger on March 19, 2020 at 9:07 am

    Patrick and I are vulnerable to the Coronavirus as we both have underlying conditions… so we are staying put alone in our place as much as possible. Food… my biggest challenge is getting groceries in the safest way possible.
    Prayer and listening to compline/ ssje audios at night helps my anxiety (which is unusual for me to have).
    Following the Lenten series, today we began sending grocery store pre paid cards to people who usually service us- those who month to month depended in part on what we gave them for services no longer possible.

  2. Jeanne DeFazio on March 19, 2020 at 10:04 am

    Sharing this today! Many thanks!

    It’s a really powerful practice to recognize the gift of sustenance in a world where so many people are starving – starving for food, but also starving for love, starving to belong, starving for shelter, starving for justice. We can use the gift of our hunger – and the provision to sate our hunger – as a reminder to take food as a gift, not just a given. Let food have a symbolic, iconic quality of the hungers that surround us in this world.

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