Signs of Life: Friday
We’re the best that Jesus has got, we all in whom – so we say and pray – Jesus lives. We become what we have received: the body of Christ. Then we go and be that in the world that God so loves.
– Br. Curtis Almquist, SSJE
Way of Love: Daily Practice
Ask God to help you see the world the way God sees the world.
Share your experience in the comments below
This is beautiful! One of my friends, Jenny Gregg, once passed on this idea to me, “God loved us so much that he entrusted us with God’s son, his most important possession. And, Jesus loved us so much, that he entrusted us with his mission of reconciliation.” This idea from Br Curtis reminds me of this truth and encourages me to go love a little more boldly.
Thank you, Br. Curtis. I needed these words this morning. I have found myself drawn into the negativity and fear of this current time, forgetting to take the log out of my own eye. But I have Jesus; Jesus lives in me and I in him. Thank you for helping me pray on that truth; it gives me hope..
Bob give a his Faith at Work offering this morning for truly it is an offering of self , all that we are to our Lird Our vulnerabilities, softness places deepest hollows of our heart and life. It is more than a testimony. May the words of his heart and medications of his soul be acceptable. In Jesus name we give him thanks.
My prayer today: “Open my eyes to see Your Hand at work in the world about us” .
( From Eucharistic Prayer C)
I have prayed this before and the results have been immediate: the sky, the water in the lake, the trees. The world looks different. The world IS different.
Unlike some who seem to know from childhood “what to be when I grow up,” I was not called to a particular vocation, so frequently voice to God my frustration at not knowing what I am called to do, to be. The Spirit regularly reminds me that my job is to Love God with everything in me and to Love my Neighbor, my enemy. Only Christ can create that love within me – I cannot find it on my own. May He continue to transform my heart to see each person, and the Earth itself, through his eyes of love.
This statement resonates with me, as every day my prayers include a request that God will grant me the ability to see and care for every individual as He sees and cares for them.
I wrestle with the thought of how God may see our world, as I often do. Is it with such unconditional love that the pollution, waste, and overcrowding of urban areas is overlooked? Or, is it that He touches us so deeply inside that we are inspired through His love to do constructive works to make it better. Or, is it that we focus on the senses that remain pure: the sound of birds singing, the smell of fresh blooming flowers, the sight of a beautiful and unforgettable sunset, or the gentle touch of a loved one? Possibly it’s all the above – and somehow it all seems well.
I went outside yesterday just to have some time with God. Suddenly, a bird started to sing and I thanked it for it’s lovely voice. The wind blew through and I thanked it for caressing me with the gentle breeze. A bee flew by and I thanked it for the honey it gives us. While I have an endearing love for this world and all that is in it, I know God led to to be thankful for everything. I have never felt such joy in my life.
I spent some time thinking how my love of learning can be distorted to become a deep sense of a need to improve myself, of inferiority that I cannot overcome (which I suppose is sin I cannot cleanse). Oh my. This is not how God sees the world. I actually was ill with strep throat – and just kept working hard! Ugh! When I stopped to rest, to take my foot off the gas pedal, life seemed to reset itself of its own accord. God’s presence. All is well.
I struggle regularly with the question “am I GOOD enough?”
Thank you for reminding me that because Christ is in me working through me, the Spirit empowers me to be “good ENOUGH”